Home Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyers Chicago Birth Injury Malpractice Lawyer
Whatever your pregnancy journey, you hope it ends with a smooth birth and a healthy baby. You put a great deal of trust into your doctors and the hospital staff to see you through it. But there might come a time when you realize something’s gone wrong. If you experience a complication or injury during the pregnancy or birth, and you believe it should have been prevented, call us right away. The birth injury attorneys at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. will carefully review your situation. We’ll look into what happened and talk with you about pursuing an Illinois medical malpractice lawsuit.
Call (312) 236-2900 or use our online form to schedule your free, no-risk consultation.
A birth injury happens during pregnancy or birth. In some cases, a birth injury happens through no fault of the doctor or nurse. It might be the result of a difficult pregnancy. Other times, the mother or infant suffers an injury because of a careless medical provider. A birth defect, better known as a congenital disability, is a condition that arises during the fetus’s development and is typically the result of genetics, the environment, or a combination of both. While a doctor or hospital might be liable for a birth injury, they’re typically not responsible for a child being born with a congenital disorder.
Newborns can suffer a wide range of injures caused by negligent doctors and nurses. Our birth injury malpractice attorneys have handled cases involving all types of moderate to severe injuries. Never hesitate to call us to discuss what you and your child have gone through and find out whether you have a valid medical malpractice case.
During birth, the baby can sustain a broken bone or dislocated joint. For example, shoulder dystocia is possible. This injury happens when the infant’s shoulder gets stuck behind the mother’s public bone. Issues like shoulder dystocia during birth can also result in more serious issues for the mother and child.
The brachial plexus encompasses several nerves that run through a person’s neck, shoulder, arm, and hand. If these nerves are damaged or torn during birth, your child might suffer what’s called Erb’s Palsy. Infants also can experience injury to their facial nerves during birth. Your child might not have control over one side of their face. Depending on the severity of the injury, your child could suffer permanent weakness or paralysis and loss of sensation in the affected area. In some cases, the nerves can heal, and movement and sensation are restored. In severe cases, a child might need physical therapy or surgery.
During birth, several issues can lead an infant to not get enough oxygen. If the child suffers from birth asphyxia for a prolonged period, it can lead to brain damage, known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). This brain disorder can result in physical, cognitive, and developmental disabilities.
Cerebral Palsy is a term for a group of disorders that impair a person’s muscles, balance, reflexes, and movement. It’s a life-long condition, which can range from mild to severe impairment. Doctors and scientists don’t know the underlying cause of Cerebral Palsy, but it can be associated with oxygen deprivation and other birth injuries.
If an infant suffers a spinal cord injury during the birth, they will experience a range of disabilities, from muscle weakness to full paralysis, loss of sensation, respiratory and blood circulation issues, incontinence, and more.
Newborn’s immune systems aren’t fully developed right away, which puts them at a greater risk for infection. Infants are susceptible to infections that can live on hospital surfaces and equipment.
In some cases, a child’s head is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis. Doctors must be able to identify the signs of CPD and fetal distress and conduct an immediate C-section.
Physicians might use forceps or vacuum extraction to help an infant pass through the birth canal. But unnecessary or improper use of these instruments can cause the baby harm.
Birth injuries resulting from physician negligence aren’t always to the infant. Mothers can experience significant harm during their pregnancies and births when doctors and nurses are careless.
Some women are diagnosed with diabetes for the first time during their pregnancy. The condition can be managed, but if the mother isn’t diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, it can harm the mother and fetus.
A C-section is sometimes essential for the health of the mother and child. But it is a serious surgery, and a surgical mistake could cause the mother serious harm. Other issues are forced C-sections that are medically unnecessary and against the mother’s wishes, or delayed C-sections. In some instances, a doctor must insist on a C-section for the mother and infant’s health and safety. Delaying surgery can lead to severe injuries or even death.
Preeclampsia is a medical condition involving high blood pressure and too much protein in the mother’s urine. Doctors should always be on the lookout for this condition. If it goes undiagnosed, it can cause the infant serious harm. It also can lead to dangerous complications for the mother and even death.
Placenta previa occurs when the placenta fully or partially covers the mother’s cervix. It can lead to bleeding during pregnancy and birth. In some cases, a mother needs a C-section to deliver the child safely.
An unexpected tear in the uterus is rare, but it’s significant. It needs to be diagnoses and addressed immediately when it happens during pregnancy or labor. The rupture immediately puts the infant’s and mother’s lives at risk. When it occurs during labor, doctors must immediately perform a C-section to save the child and either repair the uterus or perform a hysterectomy.
It’s imperative for a mother to have access to proper care after birth. Signs of a complication can arise in the hours, days, and weeks following the birth. A failure to diagnose a condition could lead to serious injuries.
When you or your newborn sustained an injury that you believe was caused by a negligent medical provider, talk with a lawyer right away. Some birth injuries are mild to moderate, and you or your child will make a full recovery. But many birth injuries have life-long consequences, including developmental and physical disabilities. When a doctor or hospital is at fault, let Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., fight for your compensation. You can use the online form or call (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free, confidential consultation.
When you’re fighting for maximum compensation, we know what it takes to get it.
We’re ready to fight for you. We’re ready to be your ally. And we’re ready to start right now. Don’t waste time, contact our law offices today.
FREE CASE EVALUATION – (312) 236-2900Serious injuries don’t happen on a 9-to-5 schedule, which is why we are always available to help if you have been hurt. Our team is available around the clock to provide the support you need.