Loss of Limb Injuries | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
Injury Types

Loss of Limb Injuries

Accidents can lead to devastating injuries. Although it can be challenging to accept, some injuries result in amputation or loss of limbs.

Losing a limb could reduce your mobility, earning capacity, and sense of well-being. You could recover compensation if someone’s negligent behavior resulted in your amputation injury.

Work with an experienced Chicago amputation lawyer to pursue damages: 312-236-2900.

What Can Cause Limb Loss?

Several factors could cause limb loss. Disease, infection, or unexpected accidents might lead to amputation. There are two main reasons behind amputations: traumatic and surgical.

Traumatic Amputations

Traumatic amputations are often associated with accidents. Sometimes, a body part can be reattached before the loss is permanent.

Traumatic amputations can be caused by:

Surgical Amputations

Surgical amputations are necessary when a limb suffers necrosis or no longer receives blood flow. This condition begins once cells in the body start dying. Tissues cannot be healed, and reconstruction is generally unavailable. Amputation can slow or stop the spread of necrotic tissue.

In a personal injury case, necrosis could result from medical malpractice. You could have a claim if the care provider’s negligent actions caused the necrosis and limb loss.

What Kind of Amputations are There?

There are various types of amputations, generally of upper or lower limbs.

Upper-Limb Amputations

Arm amputations can change your life tremendously. Even if you only have a couple of fingers removed, you won’t be able to perform functions the same as before the incident.

Arm amputations can range from very minor to extreme and could include:

  • Partial hand amputation: Removal of fingertips or parts of fingers
  • Metacarpal amputation: Removal of the hand, up to the wrist
  • Wrist disarticulation: Removal of the hand and wrist
  • Transradial amputation: Removal of the arm below the elbow joint
  • Elbow disarticulation: Removal of the forearm at the elbow
  • Above-the-Elbow amputation: Removal of the arm above the elbow
  • Shoulder disarticulation: Removal of the entire arm. Includes shoulder blades and collarbones

Losing any part of your arm can affect your daily life, especially if you lose your dominant hand. You could struggle with everyday routines, including tasks at work.

If you’ve lost your arm in an accident due to someone’s recklessness, a Chicago personal injury lawyer can help you recover compensation.

Lower-Limb Amputations

Lower-limb amputations can affect balance, mobility, and independence. You may need mobility aids depending on your needs.

Lower-limb amputations include:

  • Partial foot amputation: Removal of one or more toes
  • Ankle disarticulation: Removal of the foot at the ankle
  • Below-The-Knee disarticulation: Removal of the leg below the knee, maintaining knee function
  • Transfemoral amputation: Removal of the leg above the knee
  • Hip disarticulation: Removal of the leg up to the hip joint
  • Hemipelvectomy: Removal of the entire leg and part of the pelvis

Lower-limb amputations can require extra costs, such as being fitted for a prosthesis or finding a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. If someone’s negligence caused your amputation, you should seek compensation as you readjust to life.

Limb Loss Treatment

Some limbs may be partially detached after an accident, and treatment could involve reattachment. However, if the limb cannot be salvaged, you may need surgery to remove it altogether.

Amputation patients will be put under anesthesia before the operation. Surgeons will then remove damaged tissue, seal blood vessels, and prepare the body for possible prosthetics.

An amputation patient must recover after their operation, possibly for 5 to 14 days. They’ll then need to begin physical therapy. They may also need psychotherapy to help them cope with the mental impact of amputation.

Who Can Be Liable for Amputation Injuries?

Determining who is responsible for your amputation could be straightforward or complex. It depends on your case.

A general contractor could be liable if they failed to provide safety gear, resulting in a workplace accident where you lost a limb. Or, if a doctor failed to treat an infection that led to necrosis, they could be liable for your amputation.

Liable parties could also include:

What Kind of Compensation is Available for Amputation Injuries?

The cost of amputations can rise quickly. Out-of-pocket medical expenses for surgery, prosthesis fittings, and treatments add up. One study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that amputation is more expensive than trying to repair a damaged limb.

While recovering and adapting, you probably won’t be able to work. If you can return, you may not be able to perform your job the same way as before.

Under Illinois personal injury law, you can pursue compensation after someone’s negligence harms you or your property. Compensation can cover both economic and non-economic losses.

How Can a Chicago Personal Injury Attorney Help?

According to Illinois’ statute of limitations, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. You could be entitled to past and future damages related to your amputation. Getting a Chicago Personal Injury attorney is critical to ensure you receive the most compensation possible.

Amputation cases can be tricky. Multiple parties might be liable for your losses, and your damages could be hard to calculate.

An experienced personal injury attorney will investigate your accident, identify responsible parties, and help you gather crucial evidence to prove your case. Your attorney can negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you get the most compensation. They should also be ready to stand up for you in a court fight.

Recovering from an accident is possible, but amputation can significantly change your day-to-day life. You deserve compensation after someone’s negligence sends your life on this unexpected trajectory.

Call a Chicago Amputation Injury Lawyer

The Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., are prepared to hear your case and start recovering the compensation you deserve after you lose a limb.

We understand that the accident that led to your amputation was likely traumatic. We also know you have much to get used to, regardless of whether your amputation was slight or extreme. We’re ready to hear your case and to get started on helping you get the damages you need to feel financially whole.

Call 312-236-2900 or use our online contact form to get started.

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