Why are Slip & Fall Accidents So Dangerous? | Staver
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Why are Slip & Fall Accidents So Dangerous?

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 20 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Premises Liability

Slip and fall accidents are often seen as minor mishaps, but they can lead to serious injuries and long-term consequences.

These accidents are common in Chicago and can be quite dangerous. It’s important to understand the hidden dangers of these accidents and why pursuing a premises liability claim with the help of a slip and fall lawyer in Chicago is crucial.

Slip & Falls Affect More People Than You Think

Many people think that slipping and falling is not a serious concern. However, even if these accidents can be played for laughs in movies or TV shows, they are dangerous.

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falls can account for more than 8 million hospital emergency room visits. Even if most of these victims recover, they can have long-lasting impacts on people’s health and quality of life.

Accidents can also happen at work, and there can be significant consequences for these events. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, falls accounted for more than 800 fatalities in 2022, and that number has been climbing in the past few years.

The Dangers of Slip & Fall Accidents in Chicago

These accidents can cause more damage than just skinned palms or bruised knees. Cases are unique, and there can be significant differences depending on the victim and the cause of their fall.

The Height of the Fall Affects Your Injuries

When you trip, you are subject to the forces of gravity. That sounds like common sense, but that means that you could be falling from varying heights. In the best case scenario, you are falling a few feet.

However, in some circumstances, you could fall much further. Even short falls can put forces on your body that you aren’t prepared for. Other falls, like down a faulty flight of stairs, could mean you suffer significantly.

Some People Are More Prone to Falls & Injuries

The statistics show that there are some people more likely to trip and get hurt in those incidents. Our bodies change as we age, which means they are more fragile. Coordination can be reduced, leading to more chances of slipping and falling.

Children are less careful than adults. We might expect them to bounce back after an injury, it’s likely that they’d get hurt because of their recklessness. However, if someone’s negligence contributed to their accident, you can pursue a premises liability claim.

Falls Can Cause Long-Term Health Complications

Slip and fall accidents can disrupt your life. There can be long-lasting impacts after an injury. Even minor falls could cause tissue damage. Left untreated, these injuries can worsen, affecting your day-to-day life.

Some injuries can change your way of life. If you were paralyzed by your fall, you will likely need help moving around, and you may have to change your habits to accommodate these changes.

Falls Happen in Hazardous Environments

While there can be small chances of your foot catching as your walking down the sidewalk, there are some places where a fall is far more likely than in other spots.

There could be loose carpet, wet floors, defective or cluttered stairs, uneven surfaces, or even poor lighting.

A landlord or manager has a duty to correct such hazards. If they don’t and you get hurt, you could be able to pursue damages.

Dealing With the Aftermath of a Fall Accident in Chicago

As stated, these accidents can cause significant injuries and you could be paying steep bills for treatment for an injury that was caused by someone else’s negligence.

Typical Injuries Caused by Slip & Fall Accidents

  • Broken Bones: Common in the wrists, arms, and hips, especially as people often try to break their fall.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Can occur if you hit your head, leading to long-term cognitive issues.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Might cause lasting mobility problems.
  • Soft Tissue Damage: Such as torn ligaments and muscles, can result in chronic pain and limited movement.
  • Chronic Pain: Can persist, making daily activities difficult and reducing your quality of life.
  • Reduced Mobility: Another common issue, necessitating ongoing medical treatments and rehabilitation.

Costs Created By Slip & Fall Accidents

When you’re hurt in Chicago, the financial impact of a slip and fall accident can be overwhelming.

Medical expenses, including emergency care, surgery, physical therapy, and ongoing treatments, can quickly add up. If the injuries are severe, you might not be able to work, resulting in lost wages and a reduced ability to earn in the future.

The emotional and psychological toll, including stress and anxiety, can further affect your ability to work and enjoy life.

What is Negligence in a Slip and Fall?

Many slip and fall accidents happen because of hazardous conditions that could have been prevented. Wet floors, icy sidewalks, uneven surfaces, and cluttered walkways are common culprits.

Property owners in Illinois have a responsibility to keep their premises safe for visitors.

Proving negligence involves showing that the property owner failed to address these hazards, leading to your accident and injuries.

Tips to Avoid Slip & Falls

When visiting someone else’s property in Chicago, it’s important to stay vigilant and take precautions to avoid slip and fall accidents. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  1. Use Handrails: When using stairs, always hold onto handrails for extra support and stability. This is especially important if the stairs are steep or poorly lit.
  2. Watch for Wet Floors: Be cautious in areas where spills are likely, such as kitchens or bathrooms. If you see a spill, try to avoid the area and inform the property owner.
  3. Take Care on Entryways: Entrance areas can be particularly hazardous, especially during rainy or snowy weather. Wipe your feet thoroughly to avoid bringing in water or snow, and step carefully.
  4. Avoid Distracted Walking: Try not to use your phone or be otherwise distracted while walking. Staying focused on where you are going can help you notice and avoid hazards.
  5. Ask for Assistance: If you encounter a hazard or feel unsafe, don’t hesitate to ask the property owner or manager for assistance. They may be able to address the issue or help you navigate safely.

Hurt in a Slip & Fall? Call the Staver Team Now

Getting hurt because of someone else’s negligence can be unexpected and upsetting. You might be swamped in bills because someone did not follow their duty of care to provide a safe space for visitors.

You need help filing your claim. Premises liability claims are challenging, and the law can be complex. The Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., understand the difficulties you are facing, and we’re ready to help you fight for fair compensation.

Our team knows how confusing these claims can be. We’re ready to hear your story and work for you. Don’t hesitate to call 312-236-2900 or fill out our form to schedule your consultation. You pay nothing unless you win.

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