Aggressive driving, closely related to road rage, is a startling reality that we face every time we drive on a public roadway. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines road rage as “when a driver commits moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.” This dangerous behavior can have tragic results, and the NHTSA reports that up to 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving. Continue reading to learn more about aggressive driving in Illinois, and if you’ve been injured in an incidence of aggressive driving, contact an experienced Chicago traffic attorney to discuss your case.
Aggressive driving may comprise a number of different behaviors, including tailgating, speeding through yellow lights, laying on the horn, or screaming at other drivers in traffic. If you’ve spent much time on Chicago roads, you’ve likely encountered aggressive driving. The Illinois State police report “aggressive and reckless driving as the single largest call for service in Chicago.” Aggressive drivers are charged under reckless driving statutes in Illinois.
Those found guilty could be required to pay fines up to $1500, attend traffic school, and/or victim impact forums. Some examples of Illinois aggressive driving violations include:
Law enforcement takes aggressive driving seriously because it can have serious consequences. Up to a third of all accidents are related to aggressive driving behaviors, as are two-thirds of all traffic fatalities. Avoid adding to the problem of aggressive driving by never engaging in this hazardous behavior. Be aware of these signs of a potential tendency toward aggressive driving: overwhelming feelings of rage toward other drivers, thinking of doing violence to other drivers, constantly rushing to get places, tailgating, believing only you know how to drive properly, and breaking traffic laws on a consistent basis.
If you’re struggling with aggressive driving, it’s important to get it under control before you hurt yourself or someone else. Do what you can to create a serene space that fosters calm inside your vehicle. Remind yourself often that everyone makes mistakes, and that getting home safely is the only thing that really matters. Minimize distractions so you can concentrate on driving and keeping your cool.
If you’ve been injured by an aggressive driver, you may be entitled to compensation. The experienced Chicago car crash attorneys at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., P.C. are ready to help you through the civil litigation process, and dedicated to achieving the best result possible. Call today at (312) 236-2900 to schedule your free consultation. Being a victim of aggressive driving is stressful enough. Our car accident attorneys serve clients throughout the Chicago area, including Aurora, Elgin, Hinsdale, Joliet, Naperville, and Waukegan. Don’t go through an Illinois personal injury suit on your own and risk adding to your frustration.